MR A is a Brighton based promoter and DJ who together with his Miss A are the WeirdOhs! behind London Club Night Weirdsville, Ultra Twist, the Hipsville Party Room at Funtastic Dracula Carnival in Spain along with the UK’s annual wildest themed party weekend
Hipsville A GO! GO!
this punk likes to shake things up behind the decks, expect the unexpected as MR A’s box of Good Taste 45s is always full of punk, garage, instro-mentals, Turkish shakers and fist pumping glam, maybe even some electro punk!
you won’t wanna leave the dance floor.

anna goldthorp scotland
Anna has been DJing and running monthly club nights in Glasgow, Scotland since 2011, playing R&B, rock n roll, 60s garage and punk records. Collecting music has given Anna amazing opportunities to DJ at killer clubs, gigs and weekenders across the UK, Europe and USA with a few recent highlights being Hipsville, Weirdsville, Jester Wild Weekender, Berlin Beat Invasion and Funtastic Dracula Carnival.
Last year Anna had the privilege of DJing for Nick Waterhouse, alongside Holly Calder, taking their Glasgow based club night, Anna & Holly's Dance Party on the road across Spain and the Pacific Northwest.
We can't wait to have Anna back behind the decks at Hipsville to cook up a party with you all one last time!

miss a belgium
Miss A the beat GiRL fROm belgiUm, whO tOGETHER with MR A ORgaNise LONDON’s clUb Nite WeiRdsville, ULTRA TWIST, the hipsville party room at funtastic dracula carnivaland and the Hipsville A GO! GO! themed paRty weekeNd.
If that’s NOt ROck’N’ROll eNOUgh Miss was bass playeR iN the UK’s psych gaRage seNsatiON The Jack Cades aNd befORe that laid dOwN the bass iN belgian suRf legeNds Speedball JR.
get ready as ThiNgs get gROOvy wheN Miss A gets behiNd the decks, as heR mix Of psych, gaRage, suRf aNd beat, mixed with a tOUch Of beNeLUx daNce tUNes always fills the daNce flOOR.

carlos rené mexico
Carlos René is a prominent DJ, music archivist, and record dealer who has been influential in the DJ scene in Mexico city since 2002. He specialises in organic, vintage sounds and is known for his dedication to reviving forgotten Mexican and Latin music.
He co-founded Casa Calypso record shop and shares his musical discoveries globally through his NTS show and multiple YouTube channels. Renowned for his innovative club nights like Bombo y Maracas, Sacúdete and his exclusive use of 7" records, Carlos René captivates audiences at festivals and venues worldwide with his eclectic musical range and passion for music.

keb darge sc0tland
Keb has been successfully traveling the world as a DJ for a good thirty years.
Many of today’s classics started life as Keb Darge discoveries. In the early nineties he invented the Deep Funk scene which became a worldwide phenomenon. In 1994 he began running “Deep Funk” every Friday night at Madame Jo Jo’s in Soho. A night that he successfully ran for eighteen years. In 2004 he began “Lost and Found” on Saturday nights at the same venue, alongside the club nights Keb has compiled over 30 albums of rare 45’s from the fifties, sixties, and seventies.
currently Keb is working on his new musical master plan! in recent years he has been amassing a collection of rare sixties garage punk, raucous rockabilly and wild surf instrumentals. A sound in Keb’s view given the right exposure will explode as “It gives people the feeling of being wild, sexy rebels”

holder calder scotland
"I’m Holly Calder from Glasgow, I’m looking forward to coming to play at Hipsville, before it’s too late"
Holly plays psychedelic and garage records from the mid 60s to early 1970s, with a sprinkling of contemporary psych records mixed in now and again. Holly collects and plays firmly with the dance floor in mind, "so I hope everyone will enjoy dancing to my selections."
Holly has been asked to DJ all over the world, playing at some legendary 60s parties and weekenders from Euro Yeye and Berlin Beat Invasion, to Le Beat Bespoke, Mousetrap and the Up Club, to clubs in LA, NYC, Mexico City and Tokyo, as well as contemporary psych festivals like Barcelona Psych Fest, Levitation and Desert Daze.
Holly along with superstar DJ Anna Goldthor,p run ‘Anna & Holly’s Dance Party’, a monthly in Glasgow. rIn 2024 Holly & Anna were asked to take the club on tour opening for Nick Waterhouse on his European and American tours.

carl combover UK
Ready fOR a kaleidOsOcpic jOURNy INTO mUsic that yOU migHT NEveR kNew had existed befORe...
CambOdiaN beat, Thai FUnk & SOUl, VietNamese FUzz ROck aNd JapaNese POp MOveRs. PlUS GlitteRball DiscO GROOves fROM INdia and TaiwaN aNd DistORted MOOg Jams fROm PakistaN.
get ready to scream wah!

mike gunn los angeles
Mike needs no introduction as he is the disco

disco dave UK
DiscO Dave has beeN CREATING visUals FOR Hipsville siNce JuNgle A-GO-GO.
IN the 90s DOUbLE D RaN RegUlaR Nights at The POweRhaUs aNd The bORdeRliNe iN LONdON AS WELL AS LOADS MORE VENUES. DISCO DAVE Has pROmOted mUsic, cOmedy, cabaRet & film, tOUR maNaged fOR acts in pRestige veNUes bUt is happiest wheN TOUTING FOR bUSINESS in tOilets iN MaRgate alONg with DJ'N alONgside his disco buddy Mike GUNN.